consultants QR Code & Identity check home page
This home page is linked to a QR Code or website address located on a named ANJ Consultants Identity Card. The purpose of this page is to provide proof and assurance to consumers who maybe working with ANJ Consultancy Consultants in possession of an official identity card as a result of being assigned work on behalf of ANJ Consultancy.
This page is strictly controlled by the Managing Director & Lead Specialist Consultant in Mental Health Adam Digby. Whilst this page is linked to the official ANJ Consultancy website, it is not accessible through our website to consultants or general members of the public other than to scan the unique QR Code or type in the website address which is printed on an official ANJ Consultancy Identity card.
The following consultants have been allocated official identity cards and are able to carry out contracted work on behalf of ANJ Consultancy. If you have any concerns about the identity of the person holding this card please contact Adam Digby directly on 07747-197180
Unique Card Identity Number:
Name: Adam Digby
Title: Managing Director & Lead Specialist Consultant in Mental Health
DBS Checked: Enhanced Level
Professional Registration 1: BACP 348934
Professional Registration 2: Nursing & Midwifery Council 01D0145E
Active Contracts & Special Assignments 2018/2019:
Subject Matter Expert UK Sea Cadets; responsible to: Commander Nisbet, HMS President (16/3/19 - Presenting to Cadet Officers & Instructors at Crowborough Training Camp)
Training to UK Scouts; responsible to: Mrs J Kelly, National Safety Manager The Scouts
Independent Counselling Services to Southend Borough Council; responsible to: Mr Rungano Mapazire
Guest Lecturer London South Bank University; responsible to: Professor S Hardy, School of Health & Social Care
Providing counselling services under the associate company name ClearView Counselling & Psychotherapy
Unique Card Identity Number:
Non allocated
Name: - No card has been allocated -
Title: - No card has been allocated -
DBS Checked: - No card has been allocated -
Professional Registration 1: - No card has been allocated -
Professional Registration 2: - No card has been allocated -
Active Contracts & Special Assignments 2018/2019:
- No card has been allocated -
Unique Card Identity Number:
Non allocated
Name: - No card has been allocated -
Title: - No card has been allocated -
DBS Checked: - No card has been allocated -
Professional Registration 1: - No card has been allocated -
Professional Registration 2: - No card has been allocated -
Active Contracts & Special Assignments 2018/2019:
- No card has been allocated -