Training, Coaching & Counselling Services

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ANJ Consultancy takes its requirements under GDPR & Data Protection extremely seriously, allowing you piece of mind that your session information and all records created during our contact together are treated with the upmost privacy, care and respect. Below are some key points about ANJ Consultancy and Data Handling. As part of individual Client work / coaching you will be given a privacy statement to sign at the start of the session.


where and how is session information stored?

Any hand written notes or paper produced during time spent together as a result of coaching sessions or otherwise is immediately scanned after the session and held in encrypted format on an external hard drive which can only accessed through my password protected computer.

All files are also individually password and only accessible by me. Paper copies are then shredded after scanning. For more information on the handling and access to session notes please see the following link on my website

How long are my records kept for?

All notes and personal information gathered during session work together are held following our final session for a period of 7years and then destroyed securely by being deleted. This is a requirement under ANJ Consultancy Ltd Insurance policy.

During active engagement with ANJ Consultancy some of your details - such as your first name, phone number, text messages between the two of us - are held on the consultancy mobile phone, which is also password protected with access restricted to only people directly working with you as required. Your information in this format is also anonymised to further protect your confidentiality. Emails and written correspondence form part of your records and are saved or scanned and held securely as detailed above.



Can i see my records and the information you hold on me?

Put simply. Yes. 

If you wish to view your records during our session work, or any time after our sessions together (up to 7years) you can make a written freedom of information request to see your records. A response will be given within 20 calendar days of receiving the request and a charge maybe applied under these circumstances to cover the administration costs of taking your notes out of storage &/or preparing them for your review. 

Can anyone else see the records that you hold on me?

Not without your permission.

If the Consultancy receives a request from a third party to view your notes, we shall first contact you and discuss the request. I can also take instruction from you in writing to disclose parts or all of your notes to named individuals. We will always discuss these details as they arise. The only acceptation to this is if a court order mandates the disclosure of your records, or your information is formally requested by the police. In such circumstances ANJ Consultancy will take legal advice before proceeding to ensure that every step is taken to maintain your service confidence within the boundaries of the law.